Sunday, January 04, 2009

I'm Kind of Lazy

At the beginning of each and every long extended break, I have this image of myself on the first day of the break sitting at my desk being incredibly productive, finishing all of the work I need to do in two days and then spending the rest of the vacation in blissful idleness. This image of an extremely productive Laura has been in my brain since my first experience with summer reading before my freshman year of high school. Unfortunately, this has never actually happened to date. More often my work during the break looks something like this:

I decide to work on my project after I do something I should have done a long time ago--usually something cleaning related (car, room, bathroom, cat). After I've half finished my cleaning project, I decided that I've been working on it for long enough and deserve a short break. The short break turns into several hours of Nintendo, by which time the sun has gone down and I couldn't possibly continue cleaning. There's something indecent about cleaning after the sun goes down. I wake up very late the next day because I'd been playing Nintendo until the wee hours of the morning and decided that I'll play just a little bit to wake up and then go get some work done. The play just a little bit turns into all afternoon, and once again the sun has gone down and the no cleaning after the sun goes down thing kicks into effect. This process repeats until the last three or four days of break, at which point I start hating myself and wonder what happened to my blissful vacation.

This break is no exception. So, I have one sketch and a mostly cleaned room to show for two weeks of vacation. Crap. This week is going to suck.

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