Monday, February 23, 2009

And Now, Some Random (and Silly) Thoughts...

- My cat is really adorable when you catch him using his liter box. He gives you this look as if to say, hey, I don't have a door to close, so maybe you could be nice and butt out. If you don't he just continues with his business as if to say, yeah, I know it stinks, what are you going to do about it? Anthropomorphism much?

- I say a lot of things that don't really make sense. For example, butt o'clock. No logic whatsoever.

- My knee has been hurting lately. Maybe it's because of the temperamental temperatures of central Florida. Or maybe it's because I'm always bouncing around at rehearsal.'s the temperature.

- I didn't know that temperamental had an 'a' in it until I got red-squiggly-lined by the word checker. How did that escape me?

- The difference between me and a high school student (other than vast amounts of maturity...sometimes, intellect and education) is that I checked the dictionary for the correct spelling rather than doing something ridiculous like leaving it that way and assuming the computer is stupid. Probably why I don't use words like supposably. It's supposedly, people!

- I'm convinced that my knee is conspiring with Bard the Cat and the dust mites under my bed to take over my room. I'm not sure what my knee hopes to get out of it. World domination, perhaps?

- I should play sports again. Yeah, sports. That would be fun. If only I had someone to play with... sigh.

Monday, February 16, 2009

The Suffering of Intellect and Gums

In college, I was really good about flossing my teeth. I would do it every night as I was reading whatever I needed to read for the next day of school. It worked really well because I had those big text books that held themselves open and only needed page turning once every 5 minutes. These days, though, I'm really bad about it. Maybe once a week, if my gums are lucky. I don't do as much reading these days. This makes me sad. I like reading, but I find that I'm usually too tired to do any reading that I actually want to do, and it takes me so long to finish a book of any quality that I forget what happened in the beginning, so the entire exercise was almost pointless.

So, less flossing, less reading. My intellect and my gums suffer together.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Valentine's Day

It's almost Valentine's Day around here, a day in which I rarely see the sky due to the large volume of whale-sized balloons floating above my head. I didn't mind Valentine's Day so much in high school; there lived a small hope inside me that at some point in time I too would be able to carry one of those ridiculous balloons around all day. College wasn't so bad either, because there were a large number of people just as bitter as I who encouraged the wearing of black t-shirts in observance of Single's Awareness Day. Here on the other end of both, I just want to take a pair of scissors to the balloons and explain ever so kindly to the giggly girls that the oh-so-sweet boys just wants to get in their pants. They shed a tear as the leaking balloons lay in piles around my feet. Alas, cutting devices are frowned upon in public high schools.*

Happy Valentine's Day.


Saturday, February 07, 2009


My friend mentioned on her 25 Things About Her list (if you don't know what this is, you're obviously not on Facebook) that she's turning 24 this year. (I am 100% sure there is something stuck under my delete key which is really bad, because I use it all the time. Grrrr...I need a can of compressed air) So, if she's turning 24 this year, then that means I'm turning 24 this year! When did that happen? Somehow I became a person in my mid-20s without noticing it. I can only imagine that the getting old thing only gets worse as I actually get old.

I was thinking the other day about how young my students are. One was born in 1994. I was 9 years old at the time. Freshmen this year have never lived in a world without cell phones or with the USSR. Wow. And then I told my dad this and he put things in perspective. My grandparents found out about my birth via telegram. Telegram! The thing where a guy in a uniform drives up to your house, rings your doorbell and starts singing "You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling!" hands you a message! He also said something about not having direct dial long distance, but I'm sure they've always had that. I think maybe he was pulling my leg.

Friday, February 06, 2009

Random (and Silly) Thoughts

And now, some random (and silly) thoughts:

-My backspace button doesn't want to work very well. I'm thinking I might have gotten something stuck under it. Either that, or my laptop is just spiteful. What for, I don't know. Anthropomorphism much? I think so!

-I hope I used anthropomorphism correctly. I'm a teacher, it seems like I should know these things.

-My kids did moderately well at Districts, for which I'm very proud of them. Now, if only I had someone to be Drama Club President next year...

-I must not dress very nicely most of the time, because when I do, everyone stops me to ask, "What's the occasion?" It might have been because I was wearing a blazer today to combat the freezing temperatures in my car this morning, and the freezing temperatures in the PAC all day. The PAC is freezing all the time, regardless of exterior temperature. On cold days, it is frequently colder in the PAC than it is outside. Probably something to do with the sun. I'm convinced that my students will one day walk in to find me frozen to my chair. That or with my tongue stuck to a light post. I'm contemplating getting a light post for just such an occasion, because that would be a pretty amazing story to tell, and I like telling stories. Also, I've always wondered what that was like.

-My drama program is pretty much broke. We need to raise money.

-My cat has taken to sleeping under my bed. I think he and the under-bed-monster are plotting with the dust mites to surreptitiously take over my bedroom. Maybe that's why he's been biting me more, he's trying to weaken my defenses. It isn't working, I'm only becoming more aware of his animosity towards me. I'm planning my own offensive against his ally, the dust mites. Unfortunately, it is being delayed by an awful mixture of busyness and laziness on my part.

These are the strange things that run through my head on a regular basis. Be afraid. Be very afraid.