Friday, February 06, 2009

Random (and Silly) Thoughts

And now, some random (and silly) thoughts:

-My backspace button doesn't want to work very well. I'm thinking I might have gotten something stuck under it. Either that, or my laptop is just spiteful. What for, I don't know. Anthropomorphism much? I think so!

-I hope I used anthropomorphism correctly. I'm a teacher, it seems like I should know these things.

-My kids did moderately well at Districts, for which I'm very proud of them. Now, if only I had someone to be Drama Club President next year...

-I must not dress very nicely most of the time, because when I do, everyone stops me to ask, "What's the occasion?" It might have been because I was wearing a blazer today to combat the freezing temperatures in my car this morning, and the freezing temperatures in the PAC all day. The PAC is freezing all the time, regardless of exterior temperature. On cold days, it is frequently colder in the PAC than it is outside. Probably something to do with the sun. I'm convinced that my students will one day walk in to find me frozen to my chair. That or with my tongue stuck to a light post. I'm contemplating getting a light post for just such an occasion, because that would be a pretty amazing story to tell, and I like telling stories. Also, I've always wondered what that was like.

-My drama program is pretty much broke. We need to raise money.

-My cat has taken to sleeping under my bed. I think he and the under-bed-monster are plotting with the dust mites to surreptitiously take over my bedroom. Maybe that's why he's been biting me more, he's trying to weaken my defenses. It isn't working, I'm only becoming more aware of his animosity towards me. I'm planning my own offensive against his ally, the dust mites. Unfortunately, it is being delayed by an awful mixture of busyness and laziness on my part.

These are the strange things that run through my head on a regular basis. Be afraid. Be very afraid.


Amy Van-Mod said...

I like these thoughts :)

They are fun to read.

Sorry your cat potentially hates you ;-)

Laura said...

Thanks! I had fun writing it :-)