Thursday, March 15, 2007

Paper Time Again

If you're a steady reader of my blog, you have probably come to realize that my most prolific times of writing usually occur in the late night/early morning hours on the day before a paper is due. It just so happens that today is such a day, and I am once again minimizing Microsoft Word and signing onto Blogger to verbalize my complaints...but more importantly, to procrastinate. Somewhere along the line I missed the life lesson about getting work done before the eve of a deadline. But it is my last semester of college, and I figure, why change now? I have gotten relatively good grades thus far, and well, I'd have to work really hard to lose my Magna Cum Laude status at this point (and Summa Cum Laude is an impossibility).

I've been thinking about freedom a lot lately. This semester has been chalked full of books about it. Every book I've read for my Senior Seminar in Early Anglo-Caribbean Literature has had recurring themes of freedom and slavery; not surprising considering Caribbean history. Sarah Scott's The History of Sir George Ellison tells the story of a good man who is essentially enslaved to his ideals (that was the topic of my first paper for that class). In Modern British Literature we're currently reading Samuel Beckett's Murphy, the title character of which strives for freedom from physical desires. The characters in Tom Stoppard's Arcadia deal with the issue of fate versus free will in mathematical terms (it's a really great play, by the way, even if I didn't really understand the math). Maybe it is our plight as humans to strive for freedom and individuality. So, we strive constantly for something we can never really attain.

That's about as far as I've gotten in thinking critically about this. It's been a busy few weeks, and I would like to think about it more. The thought of writing an essay about it just for kicks has popped in and out of my brain, but I know that since there is no due date for essays written just for kicks, it probably will never get done. We'll see.

Anyway, back to work on Organized Crime and the New York City Garment Industry. What was I thinking when I picked this topic? I could have been writing about JFK assassination conspiracy theories. Hmm...maybe I picked the better topic.

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