Wednesday, December 17, 2003

A Moment Of Disbelief

This morning as I awoke (about 3 hours after I had intended), the first thing to cross my mind was inevitably what where my grades like this semester? I acted upon this thought by going downstairs (I'm home again, BTW) and getting online to the FSU website and checking my grades. Much to my surprise (and joy) I discovered that I had all 'A's except for one A- in my British Literature class, in which I had expected to get a C. You can imagine how extatic I was to discover this. After a full semester of moaning and groaning about my professor, I have finally come to the end, and I have an A to boot. Ok, A-....but does it really matter that much? I certainly hope not.

On A Totally Different Subject
If you're like me you know that the final installment of "Lord Of The Rings" premiered today. And if you are like me you probably went and saw it, just like I did, at midnight. If you're not like me, you really missed out, cause it was great. Orlando Bloom was incredibly sexy as he took down an Oliphant single handedly, and Karl Urban looked awesome riding around on his horse and spearing this badguy. In short, it was awesome. I already said that, but it is no less true.

Ok, well, it's really late (or early, whichever you prefer) so I think I'm gonna go hit the sack, because I'm tired, and have been awake for far far too long.

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