Saturday, November 18, 2006

Home Alone

My roommate is out of town for the weekend, and I have been taking advantage of this reality by spending as much time awake with all the lights on late at night, playing music as loud as my tired old computer can muster, and spinning in my desk chair until I'm so dizzy that I fall off. I am of course not home alone, since that only happens over Christmas and Thanksgiving in a house of seventeen people. But I get a room to myself which is generally a luxury only afforded to the head resident and the most heinous of roommates (they drive away the other occupants). I have to say, I can't wait until this is a permanent fixture in my life, having my own room. That's not to say that my roommate is bad, she just sleeps at 10:30, and I sleep no less than 4 hours later.

This was Homecoming Weekend here at FSU, and I meant to go to the game since it would be my last ever as a student. I didn't wake up until 15 minutes after kickoff, so I ended up staying home and watching a movie on TV instead. Not really a huge deal, to be honest. As much fun as watching our atrocious football team play is, I think I'd rather just be at home. In other news, Jeff Bowden resigned. The future of FSU Football is saved! I heard about it in class on Thursday evening and everyone [that cares about football] was talking excitedly, speculating about how much of a change that would make. Whoever we get, he can't be worse than the lesser Bowden.

This coming Tuesday we have one of our "Grads Made Good" coming into my playwriting class to talk to us about writing for television. I can't remember his name right now, but apparently he was a staff writer for such illustrious shows as "Xena: Warrior Princess" and "Sheena". I wonder if every show he writes for rhymes. Half of me is really excited about this, getting to pick the brain of someone who has actually made it in the theatrical arts. The other half would much rather be able to leave for Thanksgiving break on Monday afternoon, instead of Tuesday evening. Oh well, I guess the upside is that I get to pick up the Brotherito on the way through Gainesville and talk about how excited we are about the new Nintendo Wii.

We're hoping to order the Wii on Amazon, because I have a Crusade thing tonight, and Keith is studying (and he doesn't want to go camp out because if he gets it, he won't study). So we're crossing our fingers and hoping for a quick internet speeds on UFs campus around midnight. Oh, the suspense. If we do get it, Tuesday evening will be spent playing either Wii Sports or The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Kind of a silly name for a game, but well, I think I'll get over it.

Anyway, if I don't post again before Thursday, Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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