Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The First Two Days

I survived my first two days.

I spent Monday at the 9th Grade Center dealing with freshmen. In the eight years since my own time as a high school freshman, I had forgotten the depth of immaturity. I went in assuming that exercises I enjoyed in college would work fine for my new freshies. I found out very quickly that things like walking around the room without talking to classmates or examining oneself in the mirror and following instructions are completely beyond the range of possible behaviors. Thankfully, there are only two periods of freshman Drama I.

I left on Monday afternoon exhausted, discouraged, and completely exhausted. As I drove away from campus, I wondered what I'd gotten myself into. How could anyone do this for a living, day-in-day-out fighting the natural tendency of 9th graders to pay attention to anything but the teacher? Despite my emotional and physical exhaustion, I drove to my alma matter, University High, to get advice from those older and wiser: my own high school drama teachers. I watch them rehearse the fall play for a while, then I sat down with Mrs. D to go over what it is exactly that I'm supposed to be teaching these students. I quickly realized that my initial plans were far too optimistic, and I needed to adjust my expectations. It is after all Drama I, and they are not IB kids. And it turns out that the assignment I gave them on Monday (memorize, rehearse and perform a scene) is a bit too advanced for them. I decided to let them carry on with it, just so I could see what they do with it.

Tuesday I went in nervous and worried. I only had two classes on Monday, and this time there were three. Could I make it through the day? Do I have that kind of stamina? The answer: yes, because unlike on the freshman campus they are old enough to control themselves. Tuesday was great, and a small bit of my Monday afternoon doubt began to evaporate. The were involved, and up for playing goofy theater games and actually giving it a good effort.

I finished the day energized and in a surprisingly good mood.

Day three was an entirely different story which I will save for another time. In any case, keep praying; I'll be in survival mode for quite a while.

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