Thursday, October 25, 2007

I'm Supposed to Turn Those In?

If you've been reading this blog for a while, you'll remember that I write a lot when there are other things to do. This evening is no exception. For those readers not intimately aware of the school calendar, I should mention that this is the last week of the first grading period. That means grades are due tomorrow by noon, lesson plans from the past nine weeks were due at the end of the day today. Here's the thing though, I didn't hear about the whole lesson plan thing until yesterday at lunch in my very first "departmental meeting" (it just so happened that the fine arts faculty ended up eating lunch in the same room).

The lesson plans shouldn't be difficult since I've only done one or two things since my arrival on campus three weeks ago (can you believe it's been that long?). Unfortunately the lesson plans require using a completely different and totally mysterious teacher language, a language which I haven't yet learned. There is a form to work off of, but to my untrained eyes, it looks like a bunch of gobbledygook which I can hardly hope to translate before tomorrow.

All of a sudden I feel like the kid scrunched down in the chair in the back because he forgot to do his homework or study for the test.

Despite being behind in the lesson plan department, I'm beginning to recognize the early flickers of confidence. I'm growing, dare I say it, comfortable in my job. Don't get me wrong, I am still flailing in the vast ocean of the public school system, but my flailing is beginning to resemble treading.


Desiree said...

Wow laura. Keep treading girl. be the mouse that turned the cream into butter!

Amy Van-Mod said...

wow. Good luck!
Glad you're starting to feel more confident!