Thursday, October 11, 2007

Have I Mentioned...

...that I feel completely incompetent in my job? I'm realizing this week how little I know about the process of putting on a play, especially in the early stages. I went on the Dramatist Play Service website today to try and figure out how to buy the rights for "A Christmas Carol". I personally would rather have written my own adaptation and avoided the royalties all together, but given that I have a new job to learn, lesson plans to write, and a month and a half to get this show up, I decidedly don't have that kind of time. It doesn't help that I come home every day emotionally and physically exhausted. Anyway, the thing is, not only do I not know how to buy the rights to something, I don't know how to do that with my Drama club budget. There are forms to fill out, I know that much, but when do I do that? How do I do that? And then there is something about budget restrictions because our budget is basically entirely from dues, and funds from dues are already spoken for (something about shirts). The problem is, I don't have details on that. The last teacher didn't leave details; either that or I just haven't found them yet, since I can't get into my filing cabinets because I don't have keys yet. NO FREAKING KEYS! There are about six different things that I want/need to do that all require keys, not the least of which is letting my students into the classroom in the morning so I can do something, like maybe, teach.

If you couldn't tell, I had a really bad day. I expected to get keys, didn't get keys. I found out that my entire budget is about $2,600, and I can't use all of it. And did I mention that we don't have a sound board because someone was skipping in the PAC a few weeks ago, broke into the booth, and poured some kind of liquid all over the sound board and shorted it out. Lack of sound board means lack of sound system. We also don't have any lavaliere mics, and they cost about $1000, and we can't opt for the cheaper variety because Colonial is in the flight path of two airports, and the planes interfere with the signal. So if we're going to have our actors wired for sound, we either rent or borrow mics. Did I mention that our entire budget is about $2,600?

Oh, and our shop is a mess. The one saw that we have that has a blade has a frayed power chord, and I am hesitant to let anyone use it.

On top of all of this, I have to start worrying about Districts, because registration is December 1st. Oh, and guess what, that costs money too. A lot.

And I think my classes hate me. And I don't know what I'm doing.

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