Sunday, December 02, 2007

Show Week

It's generally acknowledge that show week sucks for everyone involved. I have the feeling that the typical anxiety is magnified this time since we are most certainly not ready. If I could, I would push back the date, but that would mean living with this feeling for another week, and frankly, I don't think my nerves could handle it, and the PAC is booked for the rest of the month anyway. As opening night approaches, I feel more and more like I'm missing something important; not for lack of planning, but lack of knowledge.

I was over in the office the other day, trying to figure out some paperwork regarding tickets (which I don't really understand), and the bookkeeper handed me a sheet which I assume I was supposed to fill out at some point in time but didn't for lack of knowing that I had to. So, tomorrow morning I have to figure out what paperwork I missed, and what other things I have to do to get this show on the road. I have a suspicion that it involves money and paying for security and custodial services. More money. Have I mentioned that I hate money and hate dealing with it?

I'm getting more and more frustrated that I don't have a manual that tells me all of this. To my knowledge there isn't anything that walks you through how to reserve the PAC, or arrange for custodians to come in, or hire security for an event. Having to ask my department head is getting frustrating to me. I don't like bothering people, see, and taking her entire lunch period asking questions seems like a bother to me. That's one of the reasons I like books, I can't bother books.

A week from today, the show will be over, and I can finally relax and go back to teaching, because I haven't been doing much of that lately.


Amy Van-Mod said...

I'll be praying for you that everything goes well and that you make it through with sanity intact. :)

Amy Van-Mod said...

soooo. . . . ?