Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Districts and a Week to Decompress

Until Monday, I hadn't gone home earlier than 5 PM since my first few weeks of teaching. I'd forgotten what it was like to spend more time at home than at work. But this week is my relaxation week, when I get to tell my students to leave after 6th period, and find out what the traffic is like coming back from the 9th Grade Center in the afternoon.

The District Thespian Competition was on Saturday, and I my troupe performed pretty well, all considering. We, or should I say they, received four Superiors, three Excellents, and another one that we don't talk about. I can't take credit for any of it, they worked really hard, and did well. Having been through it as a sponsor, I have a list of things I will do different next year:

1. Audition acts long before registration, probably as early as November 1st. This is to prevent any problems with really really bad acting, which we had.
2. Give the performers their Adjudication Forms before we get on the bus so that I don't have to worry about them and it's not my fault if they get lost. In case you're wondering, yes, we had problems with the Adjudication Forms. I left them on my desk at school and found out as the first act was on stage doing their intro. I then lost another set again when I handed them to one of my students who walked off to go watch someone else.
3. Make rehearsal and punctuality absolutely mandatory. Cut acts who fail to rehearse to my satisfaction.
4. Be harder on them in rehearsal. I wasn't nearly critical enough.
5. Read the plays I'm not familiar with.
6. Clearly define responsibilities. For example, assign who is responsible for blocking their scenes/monologues.
7. Require that their stuff be memorized by registration at the beginning of December.

All in all, it was a really great experience. I had a really good time, and I think they did too which is what matters.

Rehearsals for "Once On This Island" are Monday. Here we go again.

1 comment:

Amy Van-Mod said...

Those all sound like great things to set in place next year.
Glad it went well despite some bumps.