Tuesday, January 15, 2008

A Few YouTube Faves

I really would like to write about something other than my job, but that's honestly the only thing on my mind most of the time. A seemingly endless To Do List seems has imprinted itself into the back of my consciousness, and it will be supplanted by nothing else. Virtually every moment spent not thinking about school I fill will mindless entertainment, generally in the form of YouTube. So, in that vein I bring you my YouTube favorites.

Mad TV's Parody of the Feist "1 2 3 4" iPod Nano Commercial

I came across this in my search for the song featured in the iPod commercial (which I find absolutely infectious and must frequently stop myself from singing in class) and found it absolutely hilarious. Mad TV parodies are always hilarious. Favorite line: "They iScrewed me again!"

The music video for the actual song is absolutely fabulous as well, which I suspect is why Apple used it in their commercial in the first place. I love that it was filmed in a single shot, there's something very "live theatre" about all that. Another Feist song, "My Moon, My Man" was also filmed in a single shot and is performed on one of those people movers at an airport. Very cool.

Human Tetris

A totally random game show from Japan. Perhaps the most interesting thing is the 25 Years! Banner that hangs in the background in one of these videos (there's maybe six of them). Is that 25 years of human tetris? And if so, why haven't they brought this to the US yet? It's absolutely hilarious!

Human Pacman

The perfect stress-reliever. I love how they're running through traditionally quiet places (libraries, computer labs). My guess is the people in those mind-numbingly quiet places could use a good laugh and a little "laka laka laka laka" from a guy dressed in a Pacman ghost suit.

Random thought: kitty poo=more stinky than people poo

Okay, methinks that's enough from me for the time being. And remember, if all else fails, check YouTube.


Amy Van-Mod said...

Oh Geez!
Haha. Human Tetris: I Love Asian game shows. Where the heck do they come up with this stuff?

And the pacman, also very funny. Would be funnier I think though if the pacman weren't shouting, but just running.

Laura said...

I concur. There's also this other game show where they push a sliding door, and push a thing across a slanted floor wearing bug costumes. It's a riot!

Yeah, the Pacman probably would have been funnier without the screaming. Maybe they wanted to grab everyones attention in a loud way...