Friday, July 20, 2007

Deathly Hallow's Eve

I got home from work today and found that I was not at all hungry, and that it is far to hot to go hit a tennis ball against a wall at the community center. Instead I planted myself in front of the computer, a dangerous place for a Harry Potter fan on the eve of the book seven release. I don't want to be spoiled, see. So I thought I'd check J. K. Rowling's website to see if the door was open (explaining this statement would take too much time and energy), and low and behold, it was. And as I read Jo's letter to her fans which was behind the door, I started getting a little teary. It wasn't a particularly sad letter, no gut-wrenching goodbyes or inspirational epitaphs, it was just thank yous to all the people who have helped her along the way. My sadness wasn't just for the loss that I might be feeling (I have this horrible feeling that she's going to kill him off), but for her as well. She has been writing these books since 1990, and now, 17 years later, it's all over. I've been reading these books for only a couple of years, and I'm incredibly sad about it ending. Granted, I'm a sap when it comes to anything ending, but that is besides the point. The end of the Harry Potter feels akin to the last show of "Les Miserables" at UHS, my senior show, or even graduation, although I am not as elated as I was then (perhaps that feeling will come when I see the gloriously brown UPS truck roll around the corner tomorrow).

Anyway, to avoid being spoiled, I'm avoiding Facebook (you know some joker is going to put it on their feed), e-mail (lest the live or die list appear in the subject line, and basically any website that isn't violently opposed to spoiling Potter fans. I know it's extreme, and a little ridiculous, but I've been counting down to this since January or February when they announced the release date.

In other news, I haven't heard back from University High yet. I'm starting to get a little worried. And no, Dad, I haven't called Osceola, lay off it.

Anyway, I'm off to finish Half-Blood Prince so I'll be ready for the UPS man when he comes.

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