Monday, October 15, 2007


I spend every day with characters.

There's Bon Jovi Guy. He looks like Jon Bon Jovi. He's kind of crazy, and likes to do semi-acrobatic things while running around like an idiot. I yelled at Bon Jovi Guy and company today for being idiots.

There's Pee Boy, who asked to go pee in the first five minutes of class on my first day of school. No, Pee Boy, you can't go pee. You should have done that during lunch. He hasn't asked to go pee since.

There's Crazy Girl, who has emotional problems.

There's the Suck-Up, who insists that I am her favorite teacher and Drama is her favorite class. She's had me for all of a day, and she's had a sub in Drama for the rest of the year. She's trying to get on my good side. She's a Suck-Up.

There's Girl-With-Too-Much-On-Her-Plate. She does band and sleeps in my class.

There's the Corner Girls, who don't pay attention, and who will be getting low grades on their first assignment because they haven't been working on them. At all. So they're getting low grades.

There's Well-Dressed-Guy, who always wears a tie. And he was wearing Seminole colors on my first day. That was pretty awesome.

There's Attitude Girl (more like three or four Attitude Girls) who insists on talking over everyone else, then giving them attitude when I tell her to be quiet. She wasn't in class today. I was happy about that.

So, I spend my day with characters. I don't really want to, but it's my job.

1 comment:

Amy Van-Mod said...

haha. You're getting a look into the mind of a teacher. . .except it's your mind. . . weird.