Sunday, October 07, 2007

Separation Anxiety

I knew it was coming. When I decided to get a Mac, I was fully aware that there would be a learning curve. I've spent all day (literally about 8 hours) getting my computer set up and working the way I like it. After about four hours, I realized that I'd only half installed most of my applications, so I had to get online and find out how to a full install. Not really difficult, but a nice reminder that I'm no longer working on a Microsoft machine, thank goodness. But along with that there are a few things I'm beginning to miss about my old computer.

1. The keyboard. I could fly on that thing, and this new one is going to take some serious getting used to.
2. The shortcuts. I just don't know what they are. It took me two or three hours to figure out what one of the shortcut symbols means (it's Option, by the way, or Alt on other machines). Oh, and there are four function-type keys instead of two. And heaven forbid it lock up on me, because I have no idea what the Ctrl+Alt+Del equivalent is. Thankfully, it's a Mac, and I shouldn't have to worry about that for a while.
3. The familiarity. I just haven't gotten used to it yet, and when I came upstairs and used my old computer a little bit, it felt like coming home to where everything is familiar.
4. The 'x' button on the right-hand side of a program. I'll get used to it.
5. Knowing where everything is and subsequently feeling a little computer savvy.

I accidentally deleted the Pictures folder in the Finder menu and had to create a new one. But it doesn't have the cute little Pictures folder icon, and I want it back, so if anyone happens to know how to make it come back, please leave me a comment.

I'm considering buying some form of Macs for Dummies. Until then, all Mac related advice is greatly appreciated.

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Unrelated Notes:

We're one week into October and I'm posting for the fourth time. Maybe I'll make up for being a total slacker over the summer.

Condolences to all Gator fans. LSU sucks. And they're rude. (Did you hear what they were chanting after a very nice Tim Tebow touchdown? That's just not polite.)

While today it sucks to be a Gator, it rocks to be a Seminole! Dare I hope for a winning season? Unfortunately, the tough part of our schedule starts now. Wake Forest, Miami, Boston College, Virginia Tech, and the game that makes Thanksgiving suck, Florida. At least we've started putting up some offense.

And while I'm on the topic of football, let me just say that USF shouldn't be ranked higher than UF.


Anonymous said...

Yes, what was chanted was inapporpriate, but did you happen to miss that he was taunting the student section? He was asking for it.

Now, I know why he was taunting the student section, and it's funny. However, Florida students would have done the same thing with the information.

Laura said...

While I agree that he shouldn't have been doing it, taunting the student section is something that happens in any high stakes college football game. "F*** you" is not. (Although the FSU v. Miami game always produces some interesting homemade shirts, due to the nature of Miami's logo. One of my professors actually made a guy leave class because he was wearing one such shirt.)

Whatever happened to gentlemanly conduct in sports? Is there such a thing as friendly rivalry anymore?

Anonymous said...

I am sure there is friendly rivalry in some places. I just don't think this rivalry is one.

Yes, I agree it is not a good thing to chant, but he just scored a touchdown, taunted us, and we were pretty pissed. It happens. What should we have done, get called out for clogging his phone with voice mails or let him know what we still think about him...we choose the latter.we were down by 10, Tebow wanted to rile us up, and he did that. Typically, I am the biggest opponent of "FU" cheers, but I let emotion get the best of me. Im not proud of that, but it happened.

Laura said...

Having been swept up in the fervor of an emotional crowd, I know exactly what you mean (it was the Miami game, I was soaked to the bone, we were down, we'd just missed another field goal, and the defensive line decided to rub it in). It's really easy to forget that it's just a game. And I can imagine it's much more intense when your team is in the race for national championship. Given those circumstances, any group of fans would have responded the exact same way, regardless of school.

I was also quite disappointed with Tim Tebow, I thought he was above all that. But then again, it was a high stakes game, and they were the underdogs. Still, it doesn't excuse his behavior.