Tuesday, October 26, 2004


Have you seen that commercial for Hershey's chocolate that's got this guy standing there saying something about girls and then he goes [in a girlie voice] "chocolate, oh my gosh, I love chocolate!"? This has become a semi-favorite commercial of my beloved roommate (who, oddly enough, loves chocolate), so tonight when I got back from Crusade, I was like "Hey dude, would you like some chocolate?" expecting her to say yes as I pulled my stash of Reese's Peanut Butter Cup Miniatures from under my desk. She surprisingly responded "no" but I placed a golden wrapped piece on her desk anyway; I knew she wouldn't be able to refuse. Sure enough a few moments later, she leaned forward, grabbed the savory piece of heaven, unwrapped the foil, and partook [yes, it's a word, I looked it up] of the Lord's goodness. I responded by placing a second Peanut Butter Cup Miniature on her desk. She has yet to respond to my gracious gesture of love. I think I might take it back. "The Laura giveth, and the Laura taketh away" she said. But no, we'll see who wins this battle of wills. I think it will be me, because my roommate, as I said before, happens to love chocolate. She begs to differ (on me winning, not on her loving chocolate).

I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Keeping you posted:
I won...muhahahahahahaaa!!!!!