Monday, October 18, 2004

One of those rare days in which I post more than once...

So, as I said in the title for this post, I don't usually post in the same day. I'm usually not inspired to post more than once. I can only be so funny. But this post probably won't be on the funny side, just to give you some fair warning. (Wow, that is almost Brecht-ish.) I'm feeling a little melancholy at the moment. After browsing through a friend's live journal, my mind wandered to some other friends who also have live journals, and I spent the next half hour or so searching for them. Well, I found them in the vast jumble of people that is the live journal database, and proceeded to read their most recent posts. The posts were a little depressing to say the least for a few reasons:

1. The content of the post was depressing, addressing feelings of inadequacy, loneliness, etc etc. Anything that will make you depressed was in there.
2. The realization that I see these people around campus maybe once or twice a month, in comparison to the every day all day that used to be the reality.
3. Their lifestyle choices aren't exactly what I would consider moral. I'll leave it at that. I think all of us have friends that fall under a similar category.

So anyway, that has left me in this state of semi-depression/misery...that and the fact that I either can't go to Wal-Mart tonight or can't go to this extra credit thing for my Play Analysis class, not that I really need it, I just want a cushion if I happen to be late or absent one day, in case of getting hit by one of the crazy TalTran [I know, it's a tacky name, but I didn't come up with it, cause if I did the consequences would be grave] bus drivers.

Okay, so sorry for this whole post, I'm usually not this somber, in fact, I hate it being dark and gloomy. Life is too much fun to be taken seriously. So, back to my cheerful self next post. See you on the sunny side.

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