Saturday, October 30, 2004

Dilapidated Old Buildings

Behind my wonderful house on Jefferson St there lies a slightly less wonderful house. Painted white and bordered on two sides by a parking lot and separated from our house by a row of foliage, this house belongs to the Southern Scholarship Foundation and houses students that attend the med school. This house is rather old. It doesn't quite look fit to live in, but I love seeing it anyway. There is no porch. The front door is unprotected from the elements, and the mailbox doesn't stay on it's pedestal. For some reason I adore this house. Twice a week I look out a back window as I clean the study room and see it's chimney. I can't help but think that perhaps this house resembles the humble abode of many Floridians over the centuries. It's simple, plain, but enchanting.

Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't give up my current living situation for that house, but well, it's nice to know that a stones throw away is a house that isn't filled with more than ten people, that someone has a place to themselves in the chaos of a college campus. It's the image of a haven in the middle of a perpetually moving ocean.

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