Friday, October 15, 2004

Garlic Anyone?

I like the smell of garlic in moderation, but when it's eking out of my pores, well, it's not so nice.

Let me explain. Last night I made this rather tasty and scrumptious linguini with shrimp and garlic basil tomato sauce. I just have to go on record and say it was really good. One of my house mates described it as "the best meal she's ever had whilst living in this house." Anyway. This meal happens to have well, lets say a lot of garlic. Since I cooked this meal I was practically swimming in garlic for an hour and a half. Once dinner was over I thought that was the end of the garlic odor pervading the house, but no. Since all 17 of us ate garlic, all 17 of us smelled like garlic. And after it got into my system (I believe you know what system that is, no need for further explanation), my hands began to smell like garlic, nay my whole body began to smell like garlic. I take off my shoe: garlic. Wash my hands: garlic. Check my underarms: garlic. Yeah, garlic garlic garlic garlic. Ok, that's just a little bit of an exaggeration, it's just my hands that reek. It's like the scent that doesn't go away!!! I'm seriously going to have nightmares about garlic if I'm not careful. Last night I washed my hands five times hoping to be rid of the garlic smell and replace it with a nice light cucumber melon. But no. I still to this moment smell like garlic. So, if you smell me any time soon...I'm sorry.

Please don't let this incident with garlic change your opinion of the dish which has caused my olfactory distress, it was in fact quite good, and everyone thought so. So there. I'm a good cook. Don't doubt me or I will smite you with my garlic odors.

And just to tickle my ego a little, here are a few more comments on the greatness of the meal:
"Better than Olive Garden"
"The best meal I've ever had whilst living in this house" (I know you already read that one, but I seriously just had to say it again.)
"Really stinking good."
"definitely repeatable!"
"Much better than the spaghetti-Os I had for lunch!"
"Absolutely divine!!"

Ok, so that last one was mine, but I can't help it if I have good taste.

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