Monday, October 18, 2004

Garlic No More...and some Bragging

Since my last post the garlic scent which hovered around me like a cloud of mosquitoes on a warm summers night is now gone. Thank goodness, and I again apologize to everyone who has been in close contact with me, I know I smelled foul. Anyway. The bad thing about garlic is once it gets on something it stays there, people and objects alike. We all know that it is pretty much impossible to keep your hands off of things in general, unless you don't have hands, but most of the world does in fact have hands. If we tried to keep our hands off of things we would all be walking around like surgeons on ER with our hands in the air pushing open doors with our butts. I was not about to walk around like that until my hands smelled better. Not only would I look like an idiot for a few days (ok, look more like an idiot) but the garlic smell would be that much closer to my face. The latter prospect was the great issue in my opinion. As I was saying, essence of garlic stays on everything...forever!! Now all of the clothes I was wearing Thursday, Friday and Saturday smell like garlic; as well as the duvet cover on my comforter, my bed sheets, and my pillow case. Needless to say, laundry day this time around will take longer than usual.

And now for the bragging.
If you didn't watch the FSU v. UVA game this Saturday evening, you missed a great game, at least for us Seminoles. The popular chant from the student section? "OVER RATED!" (which was followed closely by "WYATT SEXTON!!") Yeah, we womped them, to say the least. All I have to say is, watch out world, we have a quarterback now.

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