Tuesday, October 22, 2002

This morning I was surprisingly happy. This morning I realized I had Acting 1 First period. This morning the wonderful reality of the end of ToK hit me. This morning I was happy. Then I remembered. It wouldn't last, and why was this? I had work to do. I have a crap-load of work waiting on my desk when I get home, a 4000 word essay right on top, not to mention the homework I was supposed to do over the long (and yet unrestful, if that's a word) weekend. Life sucks, then you die. But in all reality, it does, unless you've got a little variable that they call Christ, then that's a different story. I read the first chapter of John today for my Bible study, I think it was the first time I had a good QT in a few months. I should have been doing my English homework, but I figured I needed to spend some time with God too, so I blew it off like I had been doing for the last 6 hours and spent some time with God. I had heard it all before, so there wasn't anything really new, but this time it just seemed more interesting, I don't know why. It's like hearing a favorite story from when you were a kid again, and the familiarity is comforting. Alright, it's not quite like that, but sort of. I was more eager to read it, it wasn't a drag like it feels like so much of the time. Anyway, enough about that.

On a totally different note. I have been listening to Les Mis far to much over the last week, but what can I say...I love it. I love how sad it is, how these characters are searching for a reason why they are there. Cosette want's to know where she came from, Eponine (my favorite) wants to know why Marius won't love her, Marius (later on) wants to know why he's the only one of his friends to survive. They are all looking for answers. Kind of like real people. Except my quest for knowledge is not nearly so practical. I have no mystery to my life, other than why the heck I'm in IB. Anyway, I love the pain they feel, cause I can identify with it, Eponine especially. Unwanted, unloved (not that I am a victim of either, but it sure feels like it sometimes), wishing desperately that someone (Marius mostly) would love her, and hold her, and be there for her. It took death to get her there. She died for him, so that he could be with someone else. That's love. I don't know if I would have done what she did. That's why I love her character...she sacrificed herself for him and Cosette.
Anyway, I need to work on history now. Until we meet again.

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