Thursday, October 17, 2002

The world has officially come to an end!!! University actually won a football game!! What do you know. And they (or should I say we) won it resoundingly. I just feel sorry for the TCHS football team, cause well, they are totally going to get chewed out. Oh yeah, the score? UHS 38, TCHS 8. Haha. Anyway, enough about HS football, since I really think it's a dumb sport that gets way too much attention. What about the real athletes that play the whole game without stopping? Like soccer for example. Forty-five minutes non-stop. Yes there are lulls in the game, but we don't right out stop! Football players are such wusses. There was a 5th Quarter party at Chick-Fil-A afterwards and it was okay. I got to talk with one of the girls that went to my middle school that I hadn't seen in a while and it was pretty cool. It seems that she's a techie in Drama like I am/was (since I am now a cast member). UHS drama is so much better though. We push ourselves a lot more than Timber Creek. They do "Grease," we do "Les Miserables" (uh huh, the one that's still on Broadway...uh huh, that one that got all those Tony Awards...and if it was a movie, I'm sure it would get a few Oscars too...oh yeah, and Chris, who plays Valjean, has to hit that insanenly high note). And we have a fly. I wish we had a trap door though. I think we could make one...but we would have to blow up a whole crap load of concrete to put it in which would cost a lot of money that we don't have, especially after Les Mis. But it's such a wonderful musical. I love it already. The cast and Thespian/Drama club are going to see Les Mis on tour and I am sooooooo excited. It's wonderful.

Yesterday was a wonderful day, even though it started out kind of crappy. First period I forgot my books which we were supposed to turn in, so Mr. Boyte got all up in my face about it. We turned in our papers, and that was a little confusing cause we had a bunch of stuff we had to staple to it. Then I found out that we had a quiz the next period which I hadn't studied for. But then my day suddenly became brighter when I realized that ToK was over with for THE REST OF MY LIFE!!!!! Yes, I'm done with ToK. Now I have only to laugh at the people who have it next term, cause well, their life gets to suck now. Ah huh, suck. More work, more thinking, more Extended Essay (Insert maniocal laugh). I can't spell, but oh well. The quiz second was okay, but I didn't do so hot. Then Third I had to do a scene and I forgot half of my lines, but Mrs. Douglass didn't really mind cause I had to memorize a NOVEL!! Not literally of course, but oh my goodness. I had at least 4 times the number of lines as Desiree. ::Ugh:: Chris gave me my lines when I needed them though, so I was okay. My costume was kind of cute, but I didn't really like it. I had a skirt on with a white blouse and a grey sweater draped over it all, and it was kind of cute, but I was wearing black adidas sandals cause I don't have any nicer shoes. But it was all good I guess, better than going bare foot. The scenes as a whole were really good though. The group that went last week was AMAZING!!! They condensed a little one act into like 10 minutes and they had lights and sound effects and everything. It was pretty cool. Creepy, but cool. I can't believe that was only yesterday. I guess since so much stuff has happened in the last 24 hours. I went shopping for my homecoming dress for the last time. I didn't by one ready made, but my mom and I went to JoAnne's Fabrics and got a pattern and all of the cloth. There were these two gay guys and I was rather repulsed cause they were like hugging and kissing each other and I was like ::ewwww::! What they do is their business, but do they really have to do it in front of me? The first tip of was that they were in the cloth for special occasion section. What self respecting (straight) guy would be caught dead there (without their mother)? Oooo. Guess what Monday is....SENIOR SKIP DAY!!! Yay. The most wonderful institution in the history of all school, right next to Christmas break, spring break and summer vacations. And I get to skip!! Yay-boh. My world still sucks, but at least there are some things to make it better. But what ticks me off a lot is when underclassmen skip on senior skip day. What is up with that? It's a senior privilege, like getting out of school 5 minutes earlier, or parking in the senior parking lot. And speaking of which...what's up with Juniors in the senior lot? I think the school needs to crack down on that. I parking in the senior lot last year, but that's only cause the office lady gave me a senior sticker. if she hadn't i wouldn't have parked there. Anyway, I really wish they would check stickers more often. But why am I complaning? At least i can drive a car. It was so weird going over to Estonia and there being so little traffic and teenagers not being able to drive. Rush hour in Tallinn was like a normal day on Colonial Dr. I was wondering what the Estonians would think if they saw Orlando at 5:30. It's crazy! I really miss Estonia, even though I was there for such a short time, or maybe it's because I was there for such a short time that I miss it. Maybe it's a paradox. I'm still thinking like I'm in ToK. Oh well, I guess that was the point. It's kind of interesting how ToK just kind of bled into everything else. We would talk about something in ToK and it would pop up in English or History, or even Calculus some times. It was actually pretty cool. I guess I will miss that class in some ways, but I'm sure I won't miss the work. I'll miss Mr. Boyte's stories though, cause he is really funny when he want's to be. He told us this story about his mother's teacup poodle and how she got so attached to it and then it died and she had a wake for it then she got a parrot then it died and she had it stuffed and hung from the ceiling. Then he told us this story about her miniture stallions, but that is really long, and I don't have the time to get into it. But it was funny. Very funny.

But alas and alack, though I wish I could continue writing, I have to get up at 4:45 tomorrow so I can go to FSU to see the campus, plus I'm kind of running out of things to vaya con dios.

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