Saturday, October 12, 2002

Two days after my several hour experience with the ToK essay, and here I am again, sitting at my computer typing away (except this is fun). Surprisingly enough, my day after went very well, considering I and half of my fellow inmates in IB had very few hours of sleep. The day started okay, Mr. Boyte didn't show up for class, so we had a sub who was a freaking Nazi about everything, he made us raise our hands if we wanted to speak!! What is that? We aren't in kindergarten after all (that's a German word isn't it?). Anyway, Mr. Boyte didn't show up today, so I have no idea where he was or what was wrong, because that really isn't like him to miss that much school. I think he said he had to go in for more tests with his cardiologist, so maybe something came up negative. As the day after progressed things went fairly well. In Calculus my favorite calc teacher moved our quiz on the ch-ch-ch-ch-chain rule ::chain rule dance:: to Mundane Monday, so we could have more time to study and actually grasp the concept. Thank you Mrs. P. That was good, really good, cause I didn't get it at all. Third period was okay, but we had to work, so that wasn't cool, but other than that, it was fine. I'm doing this scene for Drama (incidentaly that is what I have for 3rd period) and I really don't like it much. More like not at all. I have to play and old lady, and the last time I did that it was a disaster, an emotionless disaster. I think I did a lot better playing the bubbley teacher, but that's besides the point. Fourth Period was pretty cool too, cause we were just making posters for a presentation dealing with refranes (spanish for sayings I think). Anyway, that was fun. And then to top the day off, I got to leave school before the bell rang because I didn't have to wait for my Freshman brother to get out of class, it was a wonderful thing. I had fun getting out before the line to leave became ultra long, because (thank you administration) students can only exit through one of the three exists to the campus!! I really would like to know why, because when I could go out the other one I didn't have to deal with all of the crap-weasels (as Mr. Boyte calls them) honking their horns because they think it's funny and entertaining, while the rest of the world just think's it's annoying!! And if you happen to be one of those people, no offence, but really...CUT IT OUT!!! I would be prone to giving you the finger. If you hadn't noticed by now I enjoy talking. I really do. If you give me a topic that I am interested in I could talk for hours and hours and hours. I've never had a phone conversation over 2 hours though, mostly because people get sick of hearing me talk and come up with some lame excuse to get off the phone, like their mom is calling them or something. Alright, not really, cause usually their mom does call them cause it's like 11 o'clock on a school night or something.

Oh yeah, I have 3 more days total in ToK...3!!! And then comes a 5 day weekend (but only for SENIORS!!! WAHOO!) I will be so glad to get out of that class, it's driving me CRAZY!!

Anyway, I think I was talking about yesterday, the day after. I got home at 3:30 (the latest of any of the other schools in the district becuase our principle loves the 4x4 class schedule, even though you don't learn as much and you have to stay in school for an hour longer than if you were on the 6 class schedule. Ugh, I hate administrators. Don't they realize that we have lives outside of school...hmmm apperently not. Yeah, so I got home and slept on the couch half the afternoon, cause well, I was tired (come to think of it I am now also). My bro came home from college today, it was interesting. He's in town for the weekend cause he wanted to get an Abercrombie poster that since he works there. We (my family) played cards together, Rummy, it was pretty cool, and I enjoyed it a lot. We were listening to Norah Jones because at least 2 people at the table like her music, and now 3 since my dad does now too. What do you know, my dad and I actually agree on a style of music that I picked out!! I lost though, I'm really not that good at rummy. My little bro likes gloating when he wins which is quite often, because well, to put it in few words, he's a genius, as well as the rest of my family, excluding me. I'm something of a dunce in comparison to my engineer dad, my math major/former teacher mom, my mechanical enineering major brother, and my "I qualify for MENSA" younger sibbling. The most humbling thing in my life would probably have to be when I was reading an essay to my lil bro and he was telling me how to better my vocabulary (though he doesn't know much about style yet). I, on the other hand, am a drama child, which to my family means, you're not as smart as us, which in all reality I'm not. My brothers have been able to beat me resoundingly in chess since we were little, and my lil bro could beat me by the age of 4. Yeah, 4. Around the time he was reading the same books as my older brother, yeah, I was just picking up on it. But, enough of my whining about how stupid I am.

Today was a lazy day. We just sat around in ALL of my classes (except drama, but that's just skit work, so it was okay). !st-Sub, Boyte was out. 2nd-party for Morse (it's her birthday). 3rd-skit work ::blah::. 4th-listening to Rowland talk ::blah::. That was my day in a few words. Brevity is the soul of wit, as my English teacher says. Great, I'm good at being long-winded, as you can tell because this is reaching novel length. Which is why I'm leaving now. Adios.

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