Thursday, October 10, 2002

Two posts on the same must think I don't have a life. In that assumption you would probably be correct. However, not based on the fact that I've posted twice within a few hours of each other. The reason for this is the title of my current blogs...that's right ToK Sucks. Yes, ToK sucks. I will conceed it doesn' t suck THAT BAD, but I'm tired and I don't want to finish working on my essay. I'm nearly 3/10ths done, and I'm just kind of ::blarg:: right now. Hmm...I wonder if I can change the time on this thing, cause it's a little slow. Oh well. Speaking of watch needed a new battery yesterday, my mom fixed it and I was very happy. The story behind my discovery of the deceased watch battery is actually rather humorous, or perhaps it's just me being tired. Here goes anyway. On Tuesday morning I was running a little late on the way to school (well, actually it was my little brother who bums rides) and I grabbed my watch and didn't look at it. As I pulled into the senior parking lot (which was unusually full, for being 7:35 in the morning) I glanced at my watch, not the car clock which would have set me straight. I got out of the car in something of a rush muttering to myself that I was going to be late and Mr. Boyte is going to kill me, either that or make me stand outside the classroom in the hot muggy October in Florida weather (it really is terrible, 90 degrees in OCTOBER!!! And it feels like 100 with the humidity!! Ugh, I hate Florida, it only has two seasons, really really hot, and nice). Anyway back to the story. I didn't feel like having either thing done to me so I walked rather briskly. It did occur to me as I power walked past the front entrance that there were still a LOT of people still in the courtyard considering that we had all of 0 minutes to get to class, but I brushed it off as a bunch of pot heads chilling out not wanting to go to class. As I passed my favorite (insert sarcasm) administrator Ms. Bennett (the little short one that yells at people telling them that they are going to be late) I realized that she wasn't yelling, an odd occurance in and of itself. As I walked down the 800 hall on the way to Meisur Boy-te's room I noticed that he and Mr. Rowland were still carrying on a rather lively conversation even though the late bell had already rung (at this point I obviously have not discovered my blunder). I flung the door of room 801E and gazed upon the nearly empty room. There were 3 people there. I glanced at my watch, I wasn't mistaken in thinking that it was 7:45, and I was late to class. I though to myself, "self is it possible that he told us not to come to school today? Or am I just crazy?" And then I realized that was only a really good dream I had been having on my walk over to East Campus. I made my way to my seat and promptly asked my neighbor what time it was, and she told me "7:40 and you're here unusually early." At this point I was beginning to realize that the second hand on my watch was not moving, and it had been what I thought was 7:45 for the last 10 minutes (in actuallity it was 4:45, the time that it had stopped the previous night). As you can imagine I felt rather stupid, but what I am I saying, that's quite natural, and I suppose I have gotten used to the feeling that I'm an idiot that should pay more attention.

Ahhh Hahh
I have discovered the secret of changing the time!!! yay! Yahoo! Anyway, if you enjoy my little story, just let me know at and I could possibly write more. Or not. Just don't tell me if it sucks, cause I don't think I can handle any more of the whole you suck thing, cause to tell you the truth, I have gotten a lot of that in the last 3 years of my life, and especially in the last 3 days, so please, don't tell me if I suck, cause that might as Mr. Rowland says "Push me over the edge." I think that was what first made my life suck in the last few days, Mr. Rowland telling me that I was his project for the year, to keep me from going over the edge. I know it's all just in fun, but really, he didn't have to say it. I know I'm just a little crazy, that's what 4 years of not really having a relaxing summer vacation due to the massive amounts of homework due the first day of school, thanks to teachers like Sra. Mendez, Sra. Arnold, Mr. Rowland, Mr. Boyte, Mrs. Morse, Mrs. Richardville (my favorite teacher from hell) and Mr. Klongerbo (who will from this point on be refered to as Mr. K most likely, cause that's what I call him in class, can't you already tell how cool he is). I really liked Mr. K, he's a very cool and laid back kind of guy, but he's smart too. I think he is really the only English teacher that I haven't minded working for. Mrs. R-ville was totally the opposite, she was terrible. i didn't like her at all. My IB class made her quite teaching IB, cause she hated us with a passion. I don't know how we didn't end up killing each other after spending a year in her class

Norah Jones is so cool. One of my good friends, Chris, permitted me to listen to her music one day and I just loved it. I enjoy jazz in the first place, but a girl with a nice voice who plays her own music is always cool. Which is also why I like Jewel and Vanessa Carlton (I got both of those CDs for my B-day). Anyway, the ToK paper calls once more, and I'm starting to get REALLY tired, and I'm only 3/10ths of the way done. Ciao!

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