Friday, October 22, 2004

Morning Rituals

Everyone has some kind of morning ritual. My roommate gets up every morning several hours before she needs to go to class, eats breakfast while watching Golden Girls on Lifetime [aka the bane of my existence]. My morning ritual is quite different. I wake up and roll [literally] out of bed, hoping to miss the stack of plastic crates which is filled with random papers and school books, my backpack, and whatever vermin made it's home on my floor during the night. This, by the way, is after violently attacking my alarm clock for the last half hour or so for the ultimate sin of waking me up; how dare it! I seriously am about to go all Titus Andronicus on it's children. [Just a side note: if ever I become a famous musician, one of my songs/albums will be called "Just Like Titus Andronicus".] After the landslide that separates me from my bed, I partake in a warm shower. This part of my morning is not particularly interesting, I do it daily, and it never changes: lather, rinse, repeat. The remainder of my pre-class morning is usually filled with me trying in vain to avoid the squeaky spots on the floor as I rush about my room donning articles of clothing in an effort to arrive to class on time. I usually get downstairs around 8:50, spend a minute and a half searching the pantry for some form of sustenance which will not add to an expanding waist line, abandon the search, and grab a PopTart(r) as I make a mad dash out the front door, stopping only to lock it behind me.

My roommate doesn't understand how I get ready so fast. I don't perceive it as fast, but then again, I am the hare to her tortoise. I am up and out in under 30 minutes, depending on how long I sing in the shower. If I'm singing the first aria of La Traviata, it might take a little longer. And honestly, I don't know what that means or if La Traviata even has an aria. Anywho, it is now nearing the time at which I make a second mad dash for the door in hopes of being on time for my Play Analysis class. So farewell, my adoring public, may you have a wonderful day.


Anonymous said...

Your roommate says-
I can get ready in very short amounts of time, 30 minutes or less, my morning routine is a choice I have made for optimum performance. After all, the morning routine is the most important routine of the day.

Laura said...

Oh hey, thanks for commenting dude, this is a first for you, I believe. Anyway, yeah, I know, I stretch the truth a little bit, but it really makes for better reading, and it's not like this is a nationally sindicated column or even written by a professional. But yeah, I respect your choice to get up abnormally early.